greening city is what we have to do in order to support for a sustainable development..we need to produce a city which are liveable and sustainable city..even if the city is well developed with both infrastructure and facilities provided, it is a need to consider on green city concept.. it is because, as the world temperature nowadays keep increasing, it is important to plant more trees in the city..trees can help to reduce the city temperature by give a shading to the building..
According to Akbari et al., (2001),the loss of vegetation means a loss of cooling in urban areas. Indeed, vegetation plays an essential role in preventing the build-up of heat through the process of evapotranspiration and shading of the ground and buildings. During the natural process of evapotranspiration of water vapor, the ambient air is cooled, releasing part of its heat to allow evaporation.
in addition, natural soils in the city also commonly are replaced with the artificial pavement such as asphalt and concrete..this action will lead to the the higher temperature of the city because the soil cannot absorb the heat that produced in the city..
therefore, in order to avoid Urban Heat Island phenomenon, more trees need to be planted in the city..instead of using a block pavement, just used a natural soil and grass..
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